See how Fishbowl's unmatched tools help businesses of all sizes improve and grow.

Join thousands of businesses who use Fishbowl’s IMS, WMS, and MRP tools every day to grow their business.

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The top inventory management software for QuickBooks for 20 years

Trace, scan, pack, and more with Fishbowl

Efficiently and effectively track raw materials, products, and vendor or client purchasing data through our all-in-one inventory and warehouse management software.

product screenshot pick details
person boxing an order
Order Management

Easily streamline your order processing

Quickly and efficiently process customer orders as they make their way through your company. See updates, issues, and shipping information all in one place.


Trace seamlessly from raw materials to client delivery

Know every part of a product's lifecycle from originally purchasing raw materials, production and delivery through our impressive and constant traceability features.

product screeenshot tracking details
pallets in a warehouse
Warehouse Management

Track your inventory at any stage

An optimized warehouse management system helps keep track of processing, receiving, stock locations, moving product, selling as well as packing and shipping.

fishbowl integrations
Integrations with popular software

Access all of your information in one place

Whether you use Amazon, Apple, QuickBooks, Salesforce, Shopify, Xero and/or others, Fishbowl’s automated inventory management software pulls everything you need to see into one spot.

woman of color wearing orange hardhat writing on clipboard while looking at inventory in machinery warehouse

A fully integrated inventory management system? Yes, please.