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Whiteboard Wednesday: What Is a Barcode Scanner?

July 29, 2015
We’ve answered quite a few questions in these Whiteboard Wednesday videos, explaining what QuickBooks, Magento, and Dropbox (among others) are. This time we’re going to find out what a barcode scanner is and what it does.

What a Barcode Scanner Does

A barcode scanner is a tool used in warehouses and other parts of a business to quickly access and record inventory data. James Shores talks about how barcode scanners are used to capture information about a part’s quantity, location, expiration date, etc. They can also send and receive information about the part

What You Can Do with a Barcode Scanner

Barcode scanners are extremely useful in the process of receiving inventory into your warehouse and transferring inventory to new locations. They’re also used in the manufacturing process, assigning certain parts and materials to be included in certain manufacturing jobs. They save a lot of time that you would otherwise have to spend counting and keeping track of your inventory by hand. When you have a barcode scanner doing a lot of the work for you, you can speed up business processes and avoid double data entry and data errors. You can find out more about how useful barcode scanners can be to your business by learning more about Fishbowl’s barcode solutions. Need an easy way to create barcodes? Click here to access our Free Barcode Generator.