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Whiteboard Wednesday: How to Create an Invoice

October 7, 2015
Creating invoices is part and parcel to doing business. It also plays a significant role in inventory management. In the spirit of being comprehensive, this Whiteboard Wednesday video goes through what an invoice contains and how to make one. Here are some of the bits of information that need to be included in an invoice: Company name – To identify who is providing the product(s) Date – The day the invoice was made Invoice number – For tracking purposes “Bill to” and “ship to” addresses – Sometimes they’re different, especially when working with other businesses Purchase order number – Very important in Fishbowl Payment terms – Which you and your customer need to decide on before completing the sale Shipping date – The day the order was shipped to the customer Of course, there are other parts, such as spelling out the items being ordered, their quantities, prices, and a few more things. James Shores talks about all of them in the video above. Check it out!