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Whiteboard Wednesday: Good Ole Fashioned Marketing

August 26, 2015
The Fishbowl Blog and the Whiteboard Wednesday video series are primarily focused on inventory management topics, but that doesn’t mean we don’t occasionally cover other business topics. In this week’s video, James Shores shares three tried-and-true means of marketing your products and services:

1. Industry Publications

Start building credibility as an expert in your field of industry by offering to write articles for industry-specific publications. This is a great way to obtain free advertising and get the word out about your company.

2. Chamber of Commerce

Want to put your name out there in your community? Joining your local Chamber of Commerce is a good way to start building relationships and embedding yourself in people’s minds.

3. Mail

Email has replaced snail mail in many ways. It’s cheaper and faster to simply email potential customers rather than printing out ads and paying to physically mail them. Good ole fashioned marketing still has a place, even in today’s tech-savvy world. Watch the video above to get even more details about how these three marketing tactics can make a difference in how you advertise your business.