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Warehouse Genius: How to Keep All Your Records Organized

April 11, 2016
Keep your warehouse data organized, Fishbowl BlogRecordkeeping can be a tedious task to have to perform. Searching for files, updating files and keeping them organized so that nothing is out of place sometimes gets a little overwhelming. Every day, people look for simple solutions to data organization problems; yet, it seems that the record filing procedures around your warehouse have serious issues. Here are a few methods for better organizing your warehouse records.

Mark Files with RFID Tags

When the type of industry you operate in requires physical records, one way to keep records organized is by attaching RFID tags to the folders. Since RFID tags can be quickly scanned and browsed by an electronic reader, this makes browsing through files, without having to open them, a breeze. It also makes it easy to mark every file folder with a serial number for efficient storage.

Use a Database

If you are tired of having to hunt through paper files every time you need a piece of information on a product in your warehouse, it may be time to transition your files over to a database. A database will eliminate, in many cases, the need to waste space with loads of physical files. It will also make it possible to pull any file up by way of specific search criteria, such as name, date, or other relevant search parameters. Additionally, storing files in a database will make it easier to perform metric analysis on warehouse files to improve operational efficiency.

Data Capture Methods

Things around your warehouse change all the time. Many of these changes must be recorded and analyzed for inspection purposes. Using data capture methods, such as are provided by a company like Opinionmeter, will help with the formulation and maintenance of automated checklists that ensure that everything in your warehouse is operating within normal parameters and according to schedule. With app-controlled checklists, this makes it easy to record and track progress in your warehouse remotely as well.

Using Inventory Management Software

Inventory management software can provide many cost effective benefits to a company. Among these benefits exists efficient, real-time product record monitoring. With inventory management software that can provide alerts when product volumes undergo significant changes, this makes it far easier for a business to make smarter, automated product distribution and purchasing decisions. Organization is the key to a properly functioning warehouse. When the recordkeeping and its organization get out of hand, all sorts of problems can arise. By using methods to improve the way record keeping is carried out in an organized or automated manner, this will improve efficiency and productivity around your warehouse.