What is true inventory control? It means you have all the necessary tools and training to accurately count, receive, reorder, and predict your inventory1 in one warehouse or multiple locations. Fishbowl offers true inventory control, which empowers you to bid farewell to Excel spreadsheets, stockouts, hand counts, and other headaches associated with manual inventory control. Warehouse inventory management software frees you to say hello to increased automation and cost savings.
Goodbye, Spreadsheets
Many startups use Excel spreadsheets to record transactions and store essential inventory data. But after a while your business operations may get so complex that it can feel like you’re managing the spreadsheet more than managing your inventory. This isn’t to say that spreadsheets have no place in inventory control. With true inventory control, you still use them to transfer data by importing and exporting via formatted spreadsheets in and out of your inventory control software. The point is that there’s a better way to keep track of your inventory, and that’s with an advanced solution like Fishbowl.
So Long, Stockouts
Running out of goods at key moments when they’re in demand can be detrimental to a business. Fishbowl’s Forecast module lets you run reports to analyze historical data on sales, purchases, and other inventory-related behavior on a per-location basis. And that’s not the only way Fishbowl helps you prevent stockouts. You can assign automatic reorder points to every single item in your inventory so that you will be able to run reports that show exactly which items you need to reorder in preset quantities from default vendors. Put simply, auto reorder points make the ordering process much easier.
No Thanks, Hand Counts
When you’re not tracking items in an automated system, you’ll often find discrepancies between your records and what’s actually on the shelves. Frequent hand counts become a necessity to correct these errors. But even with true inventory control, it’s still a good idea to periodically perform cycle counts to ensure accurate numbers. Luckily, Fishbowl enables you and your warehouse workers to use barcode scanners to cycle count the inventory in your warehouse. Instantly update quantities, check up-to-date records, and avoid unnecessary delays and paperwork by using a barcode scanner.

Bye-Bye, Headaches
What do we mean by headaches? Data breaches, uncompleted assignments, lack of accountability, and general disorganization. Fishbowl’s true inventory control solves these headaches by giving you advanced features, such as granular user rights so that employees only have access to parts of the software pertaining to their jobs. Fishbowl records which users made changes at certain times so that there is always an audit trail you can follow. You can also assign manufacturing tasks to employees, study purchasing and sales trends to optimize your warehouse organization, and much more.
Hello, True Inventory Control
With Fishbowl warehouse management system, you get to say goodbye to the old, inefficient way of controlling inventory and say hello to true inventory control. Sign up for an online demo of Fishbowl today to see how it can help your business save big with automated inventory tools such as forecasting, auto reorder points, barcode scanners, user rights, and detailed sales reports.
- https://hbr.org/1971/07/how-to-choose-the-right-forecasting-technique