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Sifting Through the Picking Module

April 6, 2018
The Picking module is where you go to (what else?) pick orders. It allows you to see which sales orders, work orders, transfer orders, and credit return purchase orders are ready to be picked and which ones have parts that are too low to be properly picked at this time. You can print pick tickets, commit inventory, and finish the picking process from this module.

Red means stop, yellow means caution, and green means go in order management, Fishbowl BlogRed, Yellow, and Green

The Picking module has a helpful system to help you take a quick snapshot of the current status of all of the orders that need to be picked. They will have a red, yellow, or green circle next to them to tell you if anything is wrong or if it’s A-OK:
  • Red means nothing in the order is available in the right quantity to be picked in order to satisfy the order.
  • Yellow means some of the items are available to be picked while at least one item is not.
  • Green means everything is completely in stock and ready to be picked.
You can click on each pick to dig deeper into it and see which items are in stock at specific locations and which ones are not. If you don’t see the order you’re looking for in the Search panel, don’t worry, it’s easy to find. Simply search for the pick number or order number. You can even narrow it down to SO, PO, TO, or WO and you can specify its status, if you like. If that doesn’t work or if you can’t remember those numbers, there’s also an Advanced Search so you can use other criteria, like specific parts within the order.

Picking the Items

Once you click on a pick, you’ll see three tabs: General, Details, and Memo. You’ll find most of what you’re looking for under the General tab, but if you want to see when the pick was created then click the Details tab, and if you want to leave a note or see if anyone else has done the same for this order then click the Memo tab. Keep in mind that if you click on one of the other tabs, it will stay on there if you switch to a different pick. That’s just something to bear in mind as you navigate the module. If you click on another pick it will show up, but it may not look like it at first if you’re not on the General tab. You can see the pick details, including everything required to fulfill the order. If an item has a green triangle next to it you can go ahead and pick it. There are several ways you can do this. You can click the Start button to print a pick ticket, you can click the Commit button to change the status of the order, or you can group a number of picks into a single pick to save time. It’s a flexible system, so it’s not picky about how you choose to pick orders. Prepare to navigate the Shipping module next time.