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ROI Revamped: What’s Really Slowing Down Your Sales?

February 22, 2016
Solve these four problems to stop slowing down the sales process, Fishbowl BlogBusinesses routinely commit revenue to increasing their sales. This expense can be a healthy portion of overall budgets since sales and marketing departments are generally the largest recipients. The ROI you receive from this will constantly need to be revamped in an attempt to maximize results. When sales are slowing down, a review of the overall infrastructure is needed. Here are four common struggles businesses can face when attempting to boost sales, along with solutions to them.

Disconnect with Consumers

Consumers equal sales in all business models. If products and services are only slowly trickling in, this can be a sign that the relationship is suffering. Brand awareness has probably also fallen. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software can organize the sales lifecycle with a focus on rebuilding and bolstering communications. An employee with a masters in project management from a university like Brandeis would be an ideal candidate to serve in this important role and connect with consumers who deal with your business daily.

Internal Department Dysfunction

It is paramount that departments be on the same page within the sales ecosystem. This translates to each one tackling tasks specific to their roles. For example, sales should focus on representing the brand initially until the contract is closed. After this point, the customer service protocol should take over. The role of marketing is a continual one with strategies to keep the messaging consistent and relevant. There will be overlapping throughout the process with clear delineation of expectations for each team. This could include the sales personnel reaching out to thank customers after the delivery is complete, while customer service is ensuring they are happy with results. Marketing would also reach out with a special offer for the next ask.

Faulty Marketing Campaigns

Campaigns that falter are caused by a variety of issues. There might be a problem with requiring all employees to be aware of specials and deals. The level of involvement will vary, but this knowledge will contribute to a well-organized campaign, according to an Entrepreneur article. Establishing benchmarks with actionable metrics is essential to the review, and re-targeting phase of each endeavor. Decision-makers will be positioned to move in directions that harness and continue expected gains.

Products and Services Packaging

Brand visibility is a critical factor within each sales strategy. Breaking through the competitive market place needs a savvy and cutting-edge approach. Packaging of products and services is the most efficient way to achieve this objective. While the actual packaging should be eye-catching, the sales pitch and price point also need to be appropriate. Trends set by consumer demand will also dictate adjustments. Revenue and profits are the life-blood of any company. The cliché, “it takes money to make money” is a reality. Being agile and responsive to the consumer will make the most of any sales ROI. It calls for the ability to take action with the entire process including the teams and products and services.