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Perusing the Pricing Rule Module

May 4, 2018
The Pricing Rule module allows you to set up discounts, markups, and other price adjustments that can apply across the board or to specific customers. You can create pricing rules, delete them, and edit them in this module. Let’s see how this all works.

Balanced inventory levels keep more money in your hands, Fishbowl BlogWho Pricing Rules Apply to

We’re going to focus on creating new pricing rules. Click the New button up top and create a name for the pricing rule. Then add a description of what the pricing rule will be used for. You must then choose who you want it to apply to:
  • Everyone
  • A single customer
  • An entire customer group
After that, you must select which product(s) this pricing rule will apply to:
  • All of your products
  • A single product
  • A category of products

Price Adjustments

The final thing to do is to set up the actual price adjustment that the pricing rule will be. You must decide if you want to set up a:
  • Markdown
  • Markup
  • Margin
  • Percent
  • Amount
  • Fixed price
Most of those are in relation to a specific cost, and you can choose which cost you want to use as the frame of reference:
  • Average cost
  • Default cost
  • Last cost
  • List price
  • Product price
  • Standard cost
  • Customer last price
The default option is the product price, and that makes sense because that’s what customers see and so it will make the most sense to them when they see it applied to their purchase. But there are plenty of reasons to use the other options, which is why they’re all available.

Advanced Options

There are also advanced options that apply to:
  • Rounding prices up or down
  • Effective timeframe
  • Applicable quantities
  • Pricing tiers
We’ve pried enough into the Pricing module. Now let’s move on to the Discount module.