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The Need for Empathy

January 17, 2014
This video is an emotional one. Fishbowl CEO David K. Williams opens up about a deeply personal experience in which he was so depressed and beaten down that he had trouble even getting out of bed in the morning. He used to wonder why people couldn’t lift themselves up by their own bootstraps when they’re feeling down and solve their own problems. But when he suddenly found himself a million dollars in debt after a business deal went south, he learned to empathize with people experiencing trouble. Sometimes we really need a friend. Not someone to judge us or try to solve our problems, but someone to listen and share kind words with us. Enjoy this emotionally charged video: This is the 10th video in this series, which is based on Williams’ book, The 7 Non-Negotiables of Winning: Tying Soft Traits to Hard Results. Check out the other videos in the series: