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Manufacturing Success Organically

June 2, 2014
You’ve probably heard some variation of the ironic statement, “It took me years to become an overnight success.” This teaches a valuable lesson about achieving success; it usually doesn’t happen by accident. Tree growing out of dollar bills, Fishbowl Inventory BlogYou must do everything you can to prepare yourself to overcome challenges. It’s a long process of eliminating weaknesses and cultivating strengths. This is true whether you’re talking about improving your personality, relationships, body, work ethic, business, or just about any other aspect of your life. I’m going to talk about this in the context of manufacturing. Being successful as a manufacturing business requires careful planning and balance in many areas. For example, you have to know how many products to manufacture in a given amount of time to avoid running out of products or stockpiling unused extras. You must also keep an eye on your incoming orders so you keep enough parts and raw materials on hand to keep your production line going strong. And you need to make sure your products are delivered quickly to the right addresses so your customers are satisfied. These challenges can be efficiently addressed with the help of a software solution. Fishbowl’s Manufacturing Software allows you to keep track of all of your production jobs and stages. It can also run reports to help you measure demand trends and make sure you’re prepared for surges and drops in demand. You can set automatic reorder points on each item in your inventory so you know when, and how many, to reorder. Plus, you can track products by serial numbers, lot numbers, and more to make sure they arrive at their destinations on time. You can be an overnight success, as long as you’re willing to put forth the effort and get the right tools that will enable you to grow organically.