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Manual vs. Automatic Customer Emails

September 18, 2017
Sending emails to customers is a great way to reach out to them when you have something important to tell them, such as when you’ve shipped their order. There’s a manual and an automatic way to make sure these emails get sent, and we’re going to address which one works better.

Manual vs. automatic customer emails can make a big difference, Fishbowl BlogManual:

When an order is shipped out, there’s no automated system in place to send a notification email to the customer under a manual process. A warehouse worker has to remember to write an email and send them all of the information they need, such as tracking number, packing list, estimated delivery date, etc.


The main problem with this scheme is that there’s no guarantee the warehouse workers will always remember to send the emails to customers. Also, it’s rather time consuming to put together those emails, and it may be difficult to track down all of the pertinent information to include in each one. You wouldn’t want a customer to receive someone else’s tracking information or have something else go wrong.


A business automation platform lets you set up automatic emails to be sent to each customer when their order gets shipped out. The appropriate tracking numbers and packing lists will be included in these emails.


Workers won’t have to hunt for this information and there’s no danger of the wrong information ever being sent via email. These notification emails will always be sent out at the right times and they’ll only contain information directly from the order. The work is done for you every time once you finish setting it up at the start.