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How to Manage Inventory in Multiple Locations

December 2, 2010
Growing businesses face many challenges. A big one is managing inventory in multiple locations. It’s great to move into new locations because you can reach more customers and handle larger amounts of inventory. But it also complicates the task of managing inventory. Luckily, there is a solution to managing inventory in multiple locations. Thumbtacks stuck in a globe, Fishbowl Inventory Blog With inventory software, multiple locations are not a problem. You can use inventory software to automatically generate a detailed map of each of your warehouses so you can quickly find products. You can also see a list of parts in each location. Inventory software lets you measure each location’s sales so you can see which locations are more profitable than others and which have a higher demand for certain products. Then you can adjust your inventories to meet demand and avoid shortages or production delays. If you need to transfer products from one location to another quickly to avoid losing a sale, you can use Fishbowl Inventory. Fishbowl is compatible with UPS and FedEx, so you can quickly ship products using these couriers. Fishbowl’s advanced inventory software helps you cut costs and run more efficiently in many ways. Multiple locations offer both challenges and opportunities for businesses. Inventory software makes managing multiple locations simpler by giving you detailed information on your inventories and by helping you quickly transfer products from one warehouse to another. Fishbowl is an excellent solution for small and mid-size businesses. Learn more about Fishbowl to see how it can help your business handle more inventory and locations as you grow.