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How to Set Up and See Success with Facebook and Instagram Ads by Felix Baca

September 29, 2021

Felix Baca is Weave’s Director of Demand. He has worked with enterprise software companies, startups, and numerous ecommerce brands. He believes an introduction to a great brand, product, or piece of software has the potential to change a person’s life for the good.

With a proven track record of what it takes to be successful in the ever-evolving paid social channel, he is going to deliver insights into how to get your Facebook and Instagram marketing set up and running efficiently.

Why Advertise on Facebook

Why should you advertise on Facebook? Because there are 2.8 billion active monthly users on there. Seventy percent of the U.S. population has a Facebook account. So it’s likely you’ll find your target audience with Facebook ads. If you’re an ecommerce business looking to efficiently reach more customers, scale, and measure your efforts, this is the presentation for you.

He’s going to talk about the following ways to be successful:

  • How to set up your Facebook ads
  • Your audience
  • Budgeting
  • Creative and copy

Setting Up Facebook Ads

Felix Baca is a presenter at the Inventory Management + Growth Summit.

Setup is the most important part of building a strong foundation for success on Facebook and Instagram. Make sure you’re using Facebook’s Business Manager. You don’t want someone else to claim it and take away your brand authority.

From the Facebook Business Manager, you can manage all of your assets, such as:

  • Facebook pages
  • Instagram pages
  • Tracking pixels
  • Product catalogs

This makes it easy to share access with employees, partners, and other associates.

Your Audience

On a macro level, you want to know who your audience is so you can speak their language. That way, you can drive the right kinds of action on your website. On a micro level, we want to know if they’re current or prospective customers, and if they know anything about us.

There are four audience pillars in Facebook we can look at:

  • Interest-based audiences
  • Lookalike-based audiences who are similar to users you already work with
  • Action events based on tracking pixels
  • Customer lists that you upload yourself


Prospective marketing is the most expensive type because you’ll have to keep trying to get your audience’s attention, and they’re usually quite large. Retargeting is cheaper because it’s to individuals who have already interacted with your company via your website or a sale.

Three surefire retargeting audiences you should use are based on:

  • Product views – Anyone who viewed certain items on your website.
  • Adds to carts
  • Dynamic catalog ads – Pulling a product image, description, and headline from your website.

Creative and Copy

These are important because they are what will catch the eyes of your audience. You can test a variety of images, ad formats, headlines, and body copy to see what resonates with people.

The three main types of ad formats are:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Gifs

You should definitely use videos because they’re more engaging than images and gifs. When you use all three, though, your ads will likely perform much better than if you only used one type over and over. Try different things to grab your audience’s attention.