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How to Request a Custom Report

February 26, 2018
How to request a custom report, Fishbowl BlogWould you like to get a custom report that you can use in Fishbowl? Fishbowl offers dozens of reports, but if you need one that doesn’t conform to any of the existing ones or if you would like to modify an existing report to better meet your needs, you can ask for a custom report. All you have to do is log into Fishbowl and open the Reports module. At the top of the module you will see a long line of buttons with icons and “Request’ is in the middle of them. Click on it and a Report Customization Request window will pop up on the screen. First, fill out a few text fields with this information to identify yourself:
  • Company Name
  • Contact Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
Then you will be asked to describe the custom report you are requesting with the following information:
  • Report Title
  • Describe the data fields to be shown on the report
  • Describe parameters to appear in the Modify Report window
  • Describe filters to appear in the Modify Report window
  • Describe the report layout
  • Which version of Fishbowl should the report be built for?
  • Explain any special cases to consider
After you have filled out all of the text boxes, click the Submit button at the bottom of the form and everything you have written will be sent to the right place. You will be contacted shortly after by a Fishbowl specialist who can walk you through the final details of the report customization process. All of this information is meant to ensure that you get exactly the right report that you are looking for. That way, you won’t spend a lot of time explaining over the phone what you want. Instead, you can simply get all of the details written and recorded so that there will not be any confusion about what you will get when all is said and done. So the next time you need a custom report in Fishbowl, simply follow the steps listed above to get one!