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How to Migrate Your Fishbowl Server

June 22, 2015
Prepare to enjoy another informative video in this long-running series. This week we’re covering how to migrate your Fishbowl server onto a new computer.

Migrating the Server in Four Steps

Computers don’t last forever. When you find yourself in a position that you need to migrate to a new server computer, you can simply follow these steps:
  1. Install Fishbowl on a new server computer
  2. Retrieve the database and additional information from the old server computer
  3. Move files to the new server computer
  4. Put the database on the new computer

Next Video: How to Enter a New Software License Key

Next week the video will explain how to enter a new Fishbowl software license key when your old one expires or some other change occurs that requires changing license keys. It’s a very simple process. Here are all of the previous videos in this series: