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How to Maximize Production Throughput

October 2, 2018
There’s always room for continuous improvement on the production side of the business. Having a productive factory is critical to your business. There are a variety of techniques and methods that can help to improve your overall productivity. Here are some of the ways that you can maximize your production throughput.

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When you have people who call in sick or are on vacation, this can lead to less productivity. One way to alleviate this situation is to cross train your employees. This will allow you to fill the gaps as needed. For example, if one step of the manufacturing operation starts to fall behind, you could call on hands on deck to that portion of the task. As the workload progresses down the line, your employees can follow the process seamlessly.

Install Oversight

Whether you like it or not, machine downtime eventually happens. That’s why machine monitoring (along with product quality control) is an important oversight step. You need to have proper oversight in order to accomplish your goals. Someone needs to keep tabs on all of the things that are going on at your factory. The best way to increase your production system and manufacturing efficiency is to set stretch goals. A supervisor or team lead can help you to develop goals that are feasible, but will help you push the envelope. As things start to become more cohesive, you can raise the bar. Another thing to consider is utilizing some form of industrial leak testing in the factory with the aid of Zaxis Inc. This will ensure that your employees are safe while they’re focused on achieving their production capacity. Discover our advanced inventory management tools. Learn more!

Invest in Prepping Protocols

Having all of the supplies that are needed to complete each task is another solution when it comes to streamlining your efficiency matrix. This could be that you utilize one of your employees when it comes to kitting or even laying out the necessary supplies. It could save other employees some time when it comes to the manufacture of goods. There are a variety of ways to go about developing this type of protocol. The ideal solution will depend on the supplies needed and the manufacturing process.

Purchase Production Ready Supplies

Another way to maximize your actual production is to have supplies on hand that require a simple manufacturing process in order to become the finished good. The point of this step is to reduce the amount of waste that you experience. For example, if it takes several steps in order to get supplies ready for manufacture, you’re likely wasting time and resources. There may be a better product you can purchase that could reduce these factors. A productive factory is one that takes how the different logistical variables impact their production goals. Use these tips to get you started on streamlining your production process.