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How to Integrate with Endicia Professional

August 10, 2015
Now that we’ve talked about how to set up the ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) and integrate Fishbowl with UPS WorldShip and FedEx Ship Manager, we are ready to cover one more shipping integration: Endicia Professional. Let’s get started!

Important Tips

Before you begin the integration process, you should note that Endicia Professional is the only version of the Endicia that Fishbowl integrates with. Click on the following link to go to the page on the Fishbowl Wiki called Shipping Integration and you’ll find all the steps to integrate Fishbowl with Endicia. Then open Endicia and put that window and the Fishbowl Wiki page side by side on your computer screen to make it easier to go through all of the steps. The rest of this video explains the intricate process of integrating with Endicia Professional.

Next Video: 7 UPS WorldShip Tips and Tricks

Next up in this series is a video sharing seven tips and tricks you can use when integrating Fishbowl with UPS WorldShip. Stay tuned! And don’t forget about all the other videos that have come before. You can find all of them below: