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Fishbowl Compatibility: CRM Solutions

October 6, 2014
CRM stands for customer relationship management. A CRM solution is, thus, a way to keep track of your relationships with all of your customers. It lets you monitor their progress from first contact to final sale and then also keep track of later purchases and other interactions with them.

Fishbowl CRM Compatibility

Fishbowl integrates with CRM solutions, most notably Salesforce, Fishbowl BlogFishbowl is compatible with the following CRM solutions: You definitely want your CRM and inventory management software to work together because otherwise you may wind up making sales that you don’t have enough products to fulfill. Thanks to an app provided by FishBooks Pro, Fishbowl integrates directly with Salesforce. That means that when salespeople are out in the field or sitting at a desk, they can check up-to-date product numbers so they don’t wind up overpromising. They can also get the ball rolling on the pick/pack/ship process and get reports on how their orders are coming along. The bottom line is that by using a CRM solution and inventory management software together, you can build better relationships with your customers and improve your retention rate.

Coming Soon: More Fishbowl Compatibility

Come back next week for another discussion of Fishbowl’s extensive compatibility with other programs. We’ve already covered ecommerce, mobile, and point of sale solutions. Next week it will be EDI solutions. You can see just about everything Fishbowl integrates with on the Fishbowl Compatibility page.