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Creating Customers and More in the Customer Module

April 20, 2018
Fishbowl takes customer service very seriously, Fishbowl BlogThe Customer module is where you go to add and edit information about your customers. You can enter and edit their physical address, contact information, salesperson, groups, default carrier, and much more. It’s a useful module to visit whenever you need to drill into a customer’s history and check other information about them.

Adding New Customers

Adding a new customer in the Customer module is a snap. Simply click the New button up top and that will launch a Wizard, which consists of six steps:
  1. Add the customer’s name and account number.
  2. Enter their main address.
  3. Add all of the contact information for that location.
  4. Set their status, credit limit, default terms, carrier, class, salesperson, tax rate, etc.
  5. Assign them to a preexisting customer group, if you like.
  6. Add any other information into custom fields.
Then you can go into the customer you just created and add more addresses, if necessary. You can use different addresses to ship to, bill to, and remit to if they are different than the main address.

Purchase History

You can search through your customers and find them by their name or city/state. If that doesn’t work, you can always use the Advanced Search function. Once you click on a customer, you will see their account information, details, address(es), group(s), parts, and other data. Plus, you can click on the History button above to generate a Purchase History report. This will show you all of the products, sales orders, quantities, prices, and shipping information associated with them in the past. We’ll head over to the RMA module next week, so stay tuned.