Cloud Technology and the Benefits of Cloud Inventory Management Software

Matt Smith
May 17, 2017

Cloud inventory management software can lead to big improvements in warehouse management, Fishbowl BlogDemystifying the Cloud

Technology has grown exponentially more advanced in the last decade, with information technology’s latest brainchild being Cloud Technology. Although cloud technology’s uses and implications are huge, its concept is quite simple. It simply means moving software and/or hardware from an in-house datacenter to a third party’s datacenter, while having it available on demand. For example, Microsoft now provides Word on their server and makes it accessible to you via an online link.

How Cloud Technology Helps You

What are the advantages of shifting your applications to the cloud? Here are a few of them:
  1. Offshore installation and support: The primary reason organizations are slowly migrating to the cloud is that the responsibility of setting up and maintaining the complete infrastructure is taken on by the hosting company. In addition, they provide 24/7 technical support.
  2. Ease of access: When all of your data is on one server that is remotely accessible, you are able to reach your apps via desktop computer or mobile device. You can save a file from your computer at home and then access it on your phone on the subway or anywhere you have Internet access.
  3. Reduced downtime: Even with all the high-tech equipment, there are chances for breakdowns. But cloud providers usually plan for these contingencies by using a backup server that has your data in case the primary one fails.

Advantages of a Cloud-based Inventory Management Software

As with our example of Microsoft Word earlier, this simply means a third-party company will host the Inventory Management System on their own server hosted at their datacenter, and your employees will access the software sitting in their cubicles on their computer via the Web. Here are some amazing benefits of Cloud-based Inventory Management Software:


From a business owner’s perspective, implementing Cloud based Inventory Management Software is a matter of selecting the right vendor, according to SoftwareSuggest. Your existing Inventory Management Software can easily be migrated to the cloud provider’s servers with no loss of data. Your cloud host also takes care of size scaling as data increases, and updating as new versions of the software are released. Migration has now become a seamless process. You continue to work on the existing mainframe as the cloud host takes care of the data transfer from your datacenter to theirs. Once completed, the application is automatically pushed to your desktops by the cloud host.


When you adopt Cloud-based Inventory Management Software, you get an added option and the benefit of having a backup in place. The software maintains an automatic paper trail of all transactions, which means you don’t have to worry about losing any documents anymore. In addition to this feature, every transaction is securely saved on a backup server.


Work-floor tools, gauges and machines can now be integrated with the Cloud-based Inventory Management Software, with a “check in” and “check out” option so you can keep track of which tools and machines were used to produce which products. By checking which machines are being overclocked and which are not being used as much, you can level the workload.


Every product leaves your warehouse with a unique barcode. Throughout its lifecycle, as the barcode is scanned, its location and other information is registered with the software. This allows for constant updates about the product’s status. In addition, ships and travel vehicles can be integrated with GPS systems that sync with the software, assuring accurate real-time data.


The software can be used to generate Future Analysis reports. It essentially analyzes your current use of materials and the rate at which products leave your warehouse to indicate when there could be a shortfall in raw materials or finished goods.


With pre-formatted templates for labeling, every product will have a unique tag, based on destination, type of product, place of manufacture, etc. In case of defects or returns, it becomes extremely easy to pinpoint the workflow the part went through.


The software may be hosted in the cloud, but the ownership of access is always with the business heads. This means the entire software and its options are transparent to everyone within the organization who is given access.

The Verdict…

As a business head, shifting from Inventory Management Software to Cloud-based Inventory Management Software takes a huge burden off your shoulders. You can minimize hardware cost, trim your IT team and, most of all, focus on your business.