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Chemical Inventory Software

Amy Coelho
October 10, 2023

When working with chemicals, it is absolutely essential that you have the right tools, equipment, and safety gear to keep your employees safe and help them to do their jobs correctly. Chemicals can be benign or dangerous, and mixing them together can create all sorts of reactions. So it is essential that you know the exact amounts you want to mix together, store, and use in your operations. Using inventory management software to monitor your chemical storage, transfer, usage, and more is a key element that is just as important as safety gloves, goggles, and beakers.

Fishbowl provides a variety of companies with an effective software solution to keep track of all of their chemicals and other supplies across a single location or multiple locations. If you have just one location, you will have a relatively easier job than a larger corporation because you can simply identify your inventory needs at that site.

If, however, you have inventory across multiple locations, laboratories, and/or warehouses, you will want to look at each one, instead of combining all of their inventory quantities into one pool of data. Each location will have its own unique needs, and so you should always keep a close eye on where your inventory levels are and what is needed at each place. If you need to make adjustments, you can do so by creating transfer orders to ship chemicals from one location to another, and you can adjust your reordering tactics to make sure those imbalances don’t occur in the future.

With so many inventory pieces to track and different vendors to order through, it can be difficult to manage it all. Thankfully, Fishbowl helps you manage hundreds of thousands of chemicals, as well as their corresponding costs and vendors. This helps you to stay on top of trends in how much you use of specific chemicals and how often (and in what quantities) you need to reorder them. You can set up automatic reorder points to make sure that when you reach a certain quantity you will be informed of the necessity of ordering more. You can then make smart ordering decisions so that you will not accidentally end up with an enormous overstock or with a dangerous shortage of inventory items. You can always stay on top of your inventory needs so that you are in control.

With Fishbowl, your company will be able to manage inventory in multiple locations, set up reorder points, monitor shipments, create and scan barcodes, and more. With the addition of new tools like a mobile warehouse app, web-based time clock solution, integration with Salesforce, and many other plugins, products, and integrations, maintaining control of your chemical inventory has never been easier.

Fishbowl seamlessly integrates your warehouse with your inventory system. Streamlining your process will help your employees be more efficient and ultimately save your company money.