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Checking Out the Calendar Module

January 5, 2018
Fishbowl's Calendar module is useful in scheduling tasks, Fishbowl BlogThe Calendar module is a tool within Fishbowl that allows you to create and modify events on a calendar. These events get recorded for every user to see, so it makes it easier for everyone to stay informed on the important dates and times that are coming up. Let’s go through a number of features of the Calendar module.


You can drill down into a specific day or take a more bird’s-eye view of multiple days.

Navigating the Calendar

If you want to quickly find an event in the calendar, you can simply click on the Search tab and type in a keyword that is in the event. This might be a better option than scrolling through multiple days if you’re doing it blind.


You can double-click or right-click any point on a date on the calendar to create or edit an event. If you need to change the date or time that an event is going to happen, you can simply drag it around to a new spot on the calendar. And if you want to stretch or shrink an event to last a different amount of time, you can do that, too. You can also delete events.


When you add an event to your calendar, you have the option to put it under a certain category. These categories can be anything. For example, you can make categories related to:
  • Work Order
  • Sales Order
  • Purchase Order
  • Receiving
  • Cycle Count
  • Warehouse Management
  • Personal
The possibilities are endless. This can help you prioritize tasks that are happening on the same day or at the same time. You can also color-coordinate each category so they’re easy to differentiate at a glance.

Work Orders

Once a work order is issued, it’s automatically added to the calendar. The information about it, including the date and duration of it, is all based on the information found in the Bill of Materials module. But you can easily edit work order calendar events in the Calendar module. That’ll do it for this module. The My Fishbowl module is coming up next.