A statistic that should surprise no one is that 63 percent of people looking to buy inventory management software are high-level business executives. These are the decision makers and they usually have a firm grasp of their companies’ needs, so it makes perfect sense that they are most often the ones who make the call on which software to buy.
Only 7 percent of potential buyers are IT professionals, and the remaining 30 percent is divided among so many different roles that they weren’t separated into individual categories in a study conducted by Software Advice.
Even if you’re not the warehouse manager, accountant, or someone who has expertise in inventory management, you can get all the information you need about manufacturing and warehouse management software in a jiffy with the following resources:

- Schedule a Web demo with a Fishbowl expert to show you how our software works
- Watch Fishbowl’s Whiteboard Wednesday videos, which answer big inventory management questions in just a few minutes
- Learn more about Fishbowl with our corporate brochure, feature sheets, and other tools