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Benefits of using inventory programs

Kent Gigger
January 4, 2024

Inventory program key success

Instead of using an ad-hoc inventory management system, you should seriously consider switching to an advanced inventory program. There are many advantages of using an established inventory program rather than trying to create one on your own. Here are three of the biggest reasons:


Most inventory tasks go much faster with inventory programs. For instance, scanning products with a barcode saves a lot of time compared to writing product numbers and quantities by hand and then manually inputting those numbers into a computer. Not only is it inefficient to do this by hand, it’s also much more likely that employees will make errors.

With an inventory program, receiving and selling products becomes less tiresome because most of the work is done for you. You can automatically generate invoices, sales orders, bills of materials and many other documents by simply using a mobile wireless device.


When looking at inventory programs, make sure you choose one that integrates with QuickBooks. QuickBooks is the most popular accounting software for small businesses, and accounting and inventory management go hand in hand. When you order a product, you want that to be recorded in QuickBooks as both an account payable and a new asset. If your inventory program integrates with QuickBooks, you won’t have to worry about entering the same information twice; it will automatically update QuickBooks every time you buy or sell products.


By cutting down on inventory errors and making inventory management less time-consuming, you can save a lot of money. Inventory programs let you know how much inventory you need to carry, when to reorder products and many other things that help you cut unnecessary costs.

To learn more about the benefits of using inventory programs, book a demo