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7 Benefits of Using QuickBooks Manufacturing Software

January 27, 2011

QuickBooks manufacturing software is an important tool for manufacturers. You need to have a firm grasp of your finances and your inventory to effectively run your business. You can better plan your operations and find ways to improve profitability when you have the right tools.

Number 7, Fishbowl Inventory Blog

Here are seven helpful features in QuickBooks manufacturing software that you can use to succeed:

1. Track a huge number of products and parts across multiple locations.

2. Create bills of materials and work orders to handle both simple and multilevel manufacturing jobs.

3. Create manufacture orders to organize complex manufacturing jobs.

4. Automatically reorder parts before they run out to prevent production delays.

5. Check products’ statuses before they are completed to make sure they’re on schedule.

6. Access your inventory database from anywhere using wireless mobile devices.

7. Instantly update QuickBooks when you make changes to your inventory records.

All of these are useful tools, but QuickBooks integration is perhaps the most important. Fishbowl Inventory is the #1 inventory management software for QuickBooks. Fishbowl integrates seamlessly with QuickBooks, and it offers all of the manufacturing features mentioned above, plus many more.


Learn more about Fishbowl to see how it can help your manufacturing company.