What do inventory management, skin cream, dental care, home security, and SSL certification (don’t ask me what that means) have in common? Ordinarily, not much. But five companies that specialize in these very different industries have a common goal: to help the needy.
Fishbowl, Nu Skin, Stonehaven Dental, Vivint, and DigiCert are all Utah Valley-based companies that are making a difference in people’s lives both in Utah and around the world, according to the Utah Valley BusinessQ article “What gives?” (I love that magazine’s creative headlines) It doesn’t have to be Christmastime for these companies to think of others. They find ways to give back to the community all through the year.
Fishbowl sponsors the CAM Foundation, a charitable organization that helps mothers, members of the Navajo Nation and other people gain valuable job skills that can make all the difference in landing a great job. Fishbowl also holds an annual Day of Service to help a worthy cause, like providing landscaping and other services for a school or women’s shelter. You can help by donating used computers and other equipment.
Nu Skin (Utah’s biggest company based on revenue) has donated more than 200 million meals to malnourished children, and it has spent millions of dollars on service and construction projects in 50 countries to help the poor. Now that’s a large business that takes its philanthropy seriously.
Stonehaven Dental gives (what else?) free dental care to low-income families in Utah Valley. They do the same for citizens of other countries, as well. (I just realized I’m using a lot of parentheses in this blog post. This will be the last one)
Vivint donates more than $1 million each year to local charities. In addition, they sponsor food kitchens, blood drives and all sorts of other events to meet a variety of basic needs.
DigiCert holds a food drive every Halloween. The president even decorates his home like a haunted house and invites trick-or-treaters to come and donate canned goods. Pretty amazing.
It’s nice to see Fishbowl isn’t alone in its efforts to make the world a better place. When times are tough, it’s comforting to know that there are still companies out there both hiring and relieving suffering.